Knowledge Base

Half the content of any personal knowledge base should be on personal knowledge bases.


Feature requests


Software I have used or tried

  • VimWiki - mostly compatible with folders of markdown files – I use this mostly, see VimWiki

  • neuron (neuron.vim) - mostly compatible with folders of markdown files – not using it anymore

  • Org Mode

  • foam (homepage) built on Visual Studio Code

    • Mainly reliant on vscode-markdown-notes
  • dendron Hierarchical note taking, also based on VS Code

  • logseq - mostly compatible with folders of markdown files

  • FSNotes - MacOS and iOs only, opensource, markdown, syncs through iCloud

  • zk - A plain text note-taking assistant #TODO

  • roam

  • obsidian

  • dendron

  • Some more classic ones

    • Notational Velcocity was a classic on a Mac OS (classic)